Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas Morning!

Santa brought a big gift for Austin and Ryan (see the two presents front and center with big bows)! Austin played with his race track and Ryan with his guitar until breakfast was ready. Then with full tummies we began opening gifts. Took almost 2 hours...

Preschool Christmas Program

This year we attended our first school Christmas Program! Of course, I think Austin's favorite part was going to Dairy Queen after with his friend Ian!
Austin is the kid in the middle with the plaid shirt on. Video is only about 4 minutes long, but somehow the video is 9 minutes long because it runs twice. (I guess I need to learn how to correctly transfer footage from my camera to the computer!) It is really cute and the last song is hysterical.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas is Coming!

Here are some pictures of the kids chosing a Christmas tree and decorating, as well as some other holiday shots!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Ryan's 2nd Birthday!

Sorry for being a little behind in posting some pictures from Ryan's Barney birthday party!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Teeth Time!

Austin had never been to the dentist and had been asking to go to for MONTHS! He was sooo excited while on our way and loved every minute while there. His favorite part was the water sucker he got to hold and the Lightning McQueen toothbrush he left with. He has already asked to go back!