Sunday, October 31, 2010


Day 2 (or Sunday) of Halloweekend was full of activities! First was breakfast featuring orange pancakes and cookie cutters to make ghosts, pumpkins and bats. Great Grandma Peg (or Grammy as Austin calls her) joined us! After naps was trick-or-treating at the outlet shopping center, personal pizza making and neighborhood trick-or-treating!

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Day 1 (or Saturday) of Halloweekend began with the kids running around the house. Ryan was in his halloween pjs, his coat (which he insisted on wearing) and a witches hat while Austin sported his Cars costume (one of two costume choices this year). Next was sugar cookie baking and decorating, mask making at the library, more playing (this time under the table), and lastly pumpkin carving! It was too wet to go to the pumpkin patch today so we ended up at Safeway. Nothing like choosing from the last of the pumpkins!

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Ryan at the Park

The Oregon Zoo

Went to the zoo yesterday and had a great time. Austin's favorite part was the dinosaur exhibit. Of course, that was the scariest part for Ryan (who didn't care for the loud roars)!