Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter weekend was fun!

I met a dog.

I rode the dog.

But I think I am allergic :(

We went for a walk.

I practiced walking backwards!

I was just along for the ride.

I got to eat cotton candy!

I tried rice flakes.

I dipped my carrot into chocolate cake!

Did I mention I tried rice flakes?

Grandma taught me to drive.

Then I showed Ryan how to drive!

And then we raced and I beat Austin!

Mommy had to help me sit up.

But I don't need her help :)

And on Easter morning,
I found eggs...

and I played with my cousins!

Overall, it was a good weekend.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Austin, the great negotiator

Austin was really funny at lunch today. I ordered him grilled cheese and when it arrived he didn't want it. However, he wanted the chips so I tore off a piece of the sandwich and said he had to eat just this little piece to get some chips. He looked at me, tore the little piece in half, said "little" in a high squeeky voice and then popped it in his mouth. We couldn't help but laugh!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A day in the life of Ryan

I started off my day laying on the floor, chewing on a plastic hammer.

Austin, however, got to ride his horse while watching his new favorite tv show, Super Why.

He even read some books.

I did get some fun time in my exersaucer though.

And Dad came home for lunch!

Later that afternoon we walked to pick Dad up from work. Austin walked and I was stuck in the stroller.

Mom told me I fell asleep in the stroller on the way home. They stopped at the park and Austin got to swing...

play with sticks...

roll around on the ground...

hug a tree...

and climb some bars.

At home, Austin built a huge tower with legos.

Mom gave me a haircut so I wouldn't continue to look like I had a really bad toupee.

I LOVE my new do!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Day at Greenhorn Park

Today, I went to the park.

Dad and I fed the geese,

And then they chased us!

So I chased them back!

I flapped my arms really hard, but I just couldn't get them.

So I climbed some rocks.

And slid down a BIG slide!!!

I had a great time.

Mommy and Ryan were there watching.

I think Ryan had fun too.

Then we had ice cream!

I like ice cream...

...a lot!